
                                             “ONNESS ROSE” 60 x 60 cm Mixed Media on Canvas, one of my pieces of Art created in Ibiza.

HIGHEST Frequency coaching®

The earth vibrates at an ever higher frequency. The new era calls for completely new methods.

I work holistically, not just with the physical body, but above all with the human energy field.

The physical body represents 2% of the human being, the energy field approximately 98%.

That's why my work as a Highest Frequency Coach® is so important because it is holistic, there is no longer any separation from matter and energy.

I work purely telepathically, so we no longer have to meet physically but connect via the internet for coaching. The healings, clearings and alignments take place purely via frequency transmission.

Albert Einstein quote "

Everything is energy. Align yourself with the frequency of the reality you want and you create that reality.

That's not philosophy, that's physics."

Nicola Tesla quote

“If you want to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Einstein and Tesla were far ahead of their time and can be seen as the founders of transformation and frequency work.



My adopted home is Ibiza, a high vibrant island that attracts many spiritual people from all over the world.

Here in Ibiza you can feel the light, exhilarating energy of the goddess Tanit very strongly

and you might find direct access to the universe through the vortex, the rock “Es Vedra”;

The cave of the goddess Tanit and the rock Es Vedra are very special places for me that I like to visit for my mediations.

Since 1987 I have been on my own spiritual path,
triggered by a profound Near-Death Experience after an operation.

During this near-death experience, I was given a clear mandate to work energetically for people and to make myself available for this.

That’s why I was sent back to earth.

That was the turning point in my life, my transformation from the old matrix to the new matrix.

Since then, I haven’t missed a single day of training and further education with the world’s best coaches. Money and time were not important.

I now work as a trainer in many areas.

A healthy, physical body with a healthy gut is a prerequisite for development as a spiritual person.

Quote by Hippocrates, Greek physician, 300 BC “A healthy gut is the root of all health”

That’s why, in addition to the 5-element theory, I teach the ancient knowledge of Ayurvedic, Hawaiian colon cleansing.


The special feature of this retreat is that I will be available to you exclusively on site for a whole week with my highest frequencies. During this cleansing, the entire intestinal system and your own microbiome and immune system are preserved and rebuilt.

I am grateful for the statement made by “Zach Bush M.D.”, the founder of research into the microbiome and its importance for humanity, during his lecture in Ibiza in 2023, where I was able to speak in detail about my work:

Quote “It’s time to follow you, Cornelia”.

Why should you work with me?

Things of the past present or future burden you

Schedule a consultation now

My programs:

new1 Program to follow

Once your soul is fully embodied here on the planet, you can live your own soul mission.



3  GRACE INTEGRITY Code Transmissions


Integration of soul aspects.

Aspects may have been lost. They can be reclaimed, aspects that you have taken on and do not belong to you, from ancestors, ex-partners, etc., can be released.

Mental Heart Fusion

This connects your mind with your heart, allowing you to engage in feeling, the tool of the new paradigm of the New Earth.


Here, your soul aspects are firmly anchored with the Earth and yourself. You begin a great love affair with yourself.

Adults € 369,-
Kids (<12yr) € 200,-

new2 Program to follow

With this frequency treatment your body returns to divine order.

Your body connects with Mother Earth and the Solar Logos through your spine and the Os Sacrum.

Your spine is like an antenna through which divine energy flows. If you are reconnected energy flows and you feel lightness again.

Through various situations and rituals, we may have become disconnected from the divine. This often manifests as pain. This can be alleviated by the


Follow-up treatment € 100 within a week

Dogs € 100.- Follow-up treatment € 30.-


€ 500,-

Embody Your Soul

Once your soul is fully embodied here on the planet, you can live your own soul mission.



3  GRACE INTEGRITY Code Transmissions


Integration of soul aspects.

Aspects may have been lost. They can be reclaimed, aspects that you have taken on and do not belong to you, from ancestors, ex-partners, etc., can be released.

Mental Heart Fusion

This connects your mind with your heart, allowing you to engage in feeling, the tool of the new paradigm of the New Earth.


Here, your soul aspects are firmly anchored with the Earth and yourself. You begin a great love affair with yourself.

Adults € 369,-
Kids (<12yr) € 200,-

Free Your Soul and Spine

With this frequency treatment your body returns to divine order.

Your body connects with Mother Earth and the Solar Logos through your spine and the Os Sacrum.

Your spine is like an antenna through which divine energy flows. If you are reconnected energy flows and you feel lightness again.

Through various situations and rituals, we may have become disconnected from the divine. This often manifests as pain. This can be alleviated by the


Follow-up treatment € 100 within a week

Dogs € 100.- Follow-up treatment € 30.-


€ 500,-


Clear your energy field and leave old patterns behind. You may have carried old karmic burdens from past lives into this one. Throughout your life, these burdens may have accumulated even more. Where do the underlying factors lie that prevent you from living your true, full potential and a happy life?

24h Clearing® with one subject €200,- 

in a group €100,–

Strengthen your immune system and remove and integrate toxins triggered by pharmaceutical products, etc. €200,-


Adults € 200-
Kids (<12yr) € 100,-


The Crash Clearing® is the most intense and profound clearing. It dives into the deepest depths of your being and is worth its price.

It should be applied to individuals, complex situations, and buildings with toxic burdens, as well as cases involving black magic.

Feel which clearing resonates with you; this Crash Clearing takes effect immediately.

This Clearing is a combination of many tools and works in various dimensions.

Crash Clearing®  €1000,—


€ 1000,--


During this HEALING®, you will be streamed with the highest frequencies for 24 hours.

A Healing is always beneficial after a clearing.

You will be reonected with your own devine energy where you have been disconnected for various reasons.

You can also book this healing for multiple days, in order to feel a significant, long lasting result.

I recommend 3 days if you have an important task to fulfill, are in hospital or suffer from ailment.

Healing per day €100 


Free Your soul Training

With this Training we will work on Zoom individually with your own subjects.

1 hour 1 : 1 € 500


1 month 1 : 1 € 2.400


4 life calls 1 : 1

Find your Soulpartner € 2.400

We will work on old karmic patterns , traumas, beliefs and fears. We will transform them and reintegrate them, in order to achieve new energy for your new projects. 

This works helps you to clean your field once and forever and with tis tool you can create your new light and wonderfull life.

€ 500,-

Animals - Situations - Buildings

Animals can also show symptoms and develop illnesses or tumors. I love working with them, mostly through remote transmission.

A healing session costs €100,-.


If there’s a difficult situation in your life, whether in family, work, or with friends, I’m happy to help with untangling.

 1 hour € 200 – € 500


To de-stress buildings or free them from toxic energies.

Apartment  € 200 House € 500 – 1000


Toxic burdens due to medication €250.


Free Your Soul Golf Training

3 x  1 : 1 Training on Zoom  

….before we train on the golf course.

+ 1 special Training on the Golfcourse.

Book this training with me on order to transform old, negative patterns in the  1 : 1 sessions and enjoy a positive, engergetic new  Golf play, where your score will be significant better.

The price may vary with the greenfee.

€ 500,-

What my clients say

Cornelia has already supported me with many topics and problems and helped me promptly and spontaneously from afar in emergencies. One of my most impressive experiences was when I had extreme back pain, which disappeared within a very short time after treatment from her. She has also been a great help to me with my children. In addition to her high level of competence and her enormous knowledge, I particularly appreciate her honesty and her ability to look at things neutrally and without judgment.
Alexandra Scheel
Truly thankful for her incredible help, I thank Cornelia from my deepest heart. Using her sensitive and unique way she traces negative energies which are a burden and eliminates them. Instantly after her treatment you feel light and see clear. May it be on physical, emotional or spiritual levels or only daily issues...Cornelia enables you to live a way easier and lighter life through her great knowledge using different effective methods. Wishing her all the best for her important work from my heart.
I thank all my spiritual teachers who supported me on my path. 
I feel up to the new challenges which may come and am happy to serve.
To practise gratidude daily is the key to abundance.
If you want to become member of a gratitude group on what’s app, press here,  Cornelia 
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